Monday, February 1, 2010

Coming up: The GreenNet Green and Growing Fair

GreenNet Green and Growing Fair
April 24th, 2010, 10:00-3:00 at the
Garfield Park Conservatory
300 N. Central Park
Chicago, IL

This is the part I think my kids will like:
Kid's Activities in Children's Garden:
Plant a Pizza Garden to Take Home! 11 am to 3 pm

Grow your own pizza by planting ingredients in a take-home container-basil, tomatoes, green peppers, and more! Also, learn about plant parts and define the parts used in pizza.

Pickle Garden

It's 29 degrees Fahrenheit in Oak Park today but I'm dreaming of warm weather and pickles.  What is your favorite pickling cucumber?  What is your favorite pickle recipe?  I just tasted some (store bought) spicy pickles, delicious!